We are happy to present the following keynote speaker at ICSR 2015:
- Martin Griss
Keynote 1: Systematic Software Reuse – It isn’t what it used to be!
Martin Griss, CMU Silicon Valley (Chair: Ioannis Stamelos)
Slides as PDF (~4 MB)
Abstract: Since the late 1980s, reuse practice and theory has evolved from a focus on asset libraries, to issues of component-based software engineering (CBSE), domain engineering, product line development, reuse architectures, domain specific kits and software factories. Methods and technologies such as patterns and aspects, model-driven software development, agile and lean development, open source and crowd sourcing have significantly evolved the theory, practice and culture of software engineering and even impacted system engineering. Consequently, the theory and practices of systematic reuse has also evolved, with the promise of even more flexible and effective reuse. Different business imperatives, organizational capabilities and software development approaches motivate a careful understanding and design of the most appropriate reuse program to enable, motivate and manage the most effective reuse flavors for each situation. Since 1985, the speaker has been involved with setting up, running and consulting to a variety of corporate reuse programs and reuse companies, and will discuss his evolving experience and several approaches to help choose and customize a reuse program.
Bio: Previously Director of the Silicon Valley Campus and Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Martin Griss is currently a Principal Research Scientist at Carnegie Mellon with over 40 years of academic and industrial research experience. He currently researches context-aware mobile applications, disaster management, emergency communications, software agents and agile component-based software engineering. Before Carnegie Mellon, he spent two decades at Hewlett Packard, as Principal Laboratory Scientist, Director of HP's 70 person Software Technology Laboratory, and manager of several software research departments. Known as HP’s “Reuse Rabbi”, he led HP’s corporate reuse program and work on component-based software engineering and software reuse. He was previously an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah and adjunct professor at University of California at Santa Cruz. He has a strong interest the use of methods and technologies to enhance the performance of a variety of teams. He has lectured widely, consulted to numerous companies, and has published over 100 articles, book chapters and tutorials on software engineering, component-based development, software reuse, software agents and computational physics. He earned a B.Sc. in Math/Physics from the Technion and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Illinois.
canceled: Keynote 2: Creating a Flight Software Product Line at NASA
Jonathan Wilmot, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center